Explosive Leak On Donald Trumps Marriage

According To Melania And Donald Trump, Their Marriage Is Perfect

According to Melania and Donald Trump, their marriage is perfect 2
According to Melania and Donald Trump, their marriage is perfect

Given enough time, even the most perfect couple will eventually have a fight, but according to the Trumps, this has never happened to them. 

"We don't have fights. We disagree, but that's OK. That's very good in the relationship," Melania Trump said during an interview with journalist Greta van Susteren (via The Huffington Post).

Donald Trump echoed that claim to talk show host Larry King. "We literally have never had an argument; forget about the word 'fight.' We never even had an argument. We just are very compatible. We get along," he said.

It's impossible for anyone outside the marriage to know if this is true, but Donald's long history of public feuds—particularly with his two ex-wives—makes this claim all the more dubious.

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