What The White House Kept Quiet About Malia Obama

We know tons about former U.S. President Barack and first lady Michelle Obama. But a lot of people don’t realize their oldest daughter is amazing too. So here are a bunch of fun facts about Malia Obama, the child who grew into an impressive woman right under our noses...

Michelle Obama wrote in her memoirs, "Becoming," that in June 2015, Malia was about to go to bed when she saw a purple light coming through one of the White House windows. Once she realized it was part of a light show celebrating that day's legalization of gay marriage, both she and Michelle, sneaked out to join the crowd.

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Malia Is A Video Vixen

Malia Is a Video Vixen 1
Malia Is a Video Vixen

Malia lip-synced and mimed playing the harmonica in a music video for the Boston-based rock band New Dakota. And we have to say she seriously rocked the indie band’s “Walking on Air” song. But we wonder what dear old dad thought about her singing chops.

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